
Indonesian cuisine is diverse, varies greatly by region and has many different influences. Indonesia’s indigenous techniques and ingredients were influenced by India, the Middle East, China, and finally Europe. Some popular Indonesian dishes such as nasi goreng (fried rice), gado-gado (mixed vegetables in peanut sauce), sate (satay), and soto (chicken soup) are ubiquitous in the country and considered as Indonesian national dishes.
Gado-gado (mixed vegetables in peanut sauce)
origin: Java
A mixture of vegetables, crackers and rice with peanut flavoured sauce. The taste is sweet in Eastern Java and salty in Western Java. It's best described as Indonesian salad with peanut sauce.

Martabak (egg or cheese cake) also called Terang Bulan
origin: Bangka Belitung, nationwide
Indonesian style cake or eggroll, filled with egg, cheese, or shreds of peanut and chocolate.

Tempe (fermented soy bean)
origin: nationwide
A traditional soy product, made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form. Can be cooked into various dishes; such as tempe goreng (fried), tempe orek (stir fried), and tumis tempe.

Bakpia pathok (mung bean cake)
origin: Yogyakarta
A small patty of baked pastry filled with sweet mung bean paste.
Pempek (fishcake)
origin: Palembang, Sumatera
A savoury fishcake delicacy from Palembang, Indonesia, made of fish and tapioca. Fish paste mixed with flour and then deep fried. Pempek is served with yellow noodles and a dark, rich sweet and sour sauce called kuah cuka or kuah cuko (lit. vinegar sauce).

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